Jorene Mize - Equine Insurance AgencyJorene Mize Insurance Agency

Specialists in Equine Insurance

Pony Ride Insurance

Get a Free Quote via any of three methods:

Personal Information:

- view our Privacy Policy
Note: Your information is kept private, and we will not call you unless you specifically give us permission to do so.
Required fields are noted with **  If you don't provide a value, or any other required information, we can't compute a quote.  Your street address and phone aren't required for a quote, but will be required if you decide to purchase insurance.
First & Last Name:**
Street Address:
May we call if we need more information?
        Yes No
City: **
 We will NOT call without your permission! State: **
Phone #
  Zip Code: **
Email Address: **
  Re-enter Email Address: **

Business Information

Company Name
Company Type
Year business started

Explain 'other' in comment area, below
Website Address
Business Address
Previous (or current)  Insurance Company
Any claims in past three years?
Yes No

(If yes, explain in comments, below)
Policy Expiration Date:
  Number of years insured:
Do you require anyone else to be named as additional insured?
If so, provide name(s) and address(s)
Other business comment area

Pony Ride Information

# of ponies used: **
Average # of RIDES per week
Note that if you charge per PARTY, please estimate how many RIDES per party, per week.
Charge per RIDE
Annual Income **
Annual Income will be approximately the same as the total income each week times 52 weeks
Note: We can't provide a quote without an income (or estimate).
Helmets required? ** Yes No
Are children strapped to the ponies? ** Yes No

Locations ** Check all that apply

On Premises  Backyards Parks
  Other (explain)
Other locations
If you conduct off premise rides, do you have portable fencing ? Yes No N/A
Hand lead or sweep? **
Do you have a sidewalker? ** Yes No
Additional Comments
Note:  We must have copies of your release (hold harmless) forms.  If you don't have these, we can provide sample forms which you can use to adapt to your specific business needs.  Also, we'll need 3 years of loss runs from your prior insurance company, if applicable. 

We'll contact you to get the above, or you can fax them to us at the fax number below.


Our goal is to have personal contact with you, to enable us to provide you with the fastest possible quotes, while using only an A rated insurance carrier.  We strive to give you the service that you deserve. I promise to provide free, accurate, timely, and personalized responses.

Note:  Feel free to view our privacy policy, or call or email us with general questions.